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Start Making Money Today. Expona Domestic product range is suitable for specific areas and different applications. EXPONA Design Flooring.
Whitewashed woods and pale, natural Scandinavian tones – a breath of natural freshness. Current trends are big on dynamic patterns with an intense interplay of colours. Fascinating effects can be created with contrasts in colour and pattern.
What’s more, contrasts can create different effects depending on how the flooring is laid. Außergewöhnliche Designs sorgen für mehr Individualität in Ihrem Zuhause - aus optimierten Materialien.
Vinylová lepená podlaha je bez ftalátů a formaldehydu. Velké množství nabízených dekorů dokonale imitují jak vzory dřeva, tak i dlažbu a kámen. DOMESTIC Ideal for all areas of the home, the collection ensures high per-formance and optimum style. Installation Deals Available.
This easy care LVT is a great option for busy homes as spillages can be easily wiped away and dirt swept or vacummed up. Tato podlaha je ideální pro děti i domácí zvířata, snadno se udržuje, je odolná vůči poškození, teplá na dotek, nekluzká, odolná vůči vlhkosti a díky své tlouštce ideální pro podlahové topení. Expona Control Stone PUR provides sustainable wet slip resistance, assured throughout the guaranteed life of the product. Do vzduchu se z nich neuvolňují toxiny, neumožňují vznik plísní, jsou hygienické, voděodolné a doporučované pro alergiky a astmatiky. Expona Design PUR is a collection of luxury vinyl tiles, replicating the beauty of natural timber for use in very heavy commercial areas.
The R values shown denote a ramp test result, which is an ex-factory measure of slip resistance. Expona Control is developed for use in public areas within the retail, office, hospitality, healthcare and education sectors, where there is a risk of spillage or temporary surface water, making slip resistance an important consideration. Polyflor- Expona Control PUR. A valósághű felületkialakítás olyan élethű formatervek kialakítását teszik lehetővé, melyek rendkívül inspirálóak. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s.
Podklad podlahy musí být dokonale hladký a rovný. Xpona doMestic service – quality WarranTy our design flooring remains timelessly beautiful when properly cared for. We give you a year warranty on EXPonA DoMEstiC flooring in all residential areas.
SuSTainabiliTy EXPonA DoMEstiC flooring is a high-quality and long-life product that fulfils this most important prerequisite for sustainable. PNATURAL OAK GREY 1x 129. Primerna za uporabo v stanovanjskih prostorih in srednje obremenjenih javnih prostorih. Zelo odporen na udarce in antistatičen.
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