Polystyrene EPS Floor Insulation can be used in a wide variety of floor , wall and attic applications both domestic and industrial to satisfy the current building regulations and U-value requirements. The most common applications are below a concrete slab with concrete poured on top or also being used as a walkway board with chipboard laminated to the EPS 70. The insulation boards are very.
The polystyrene board is easy to cut to any shape making it ideal to fit to any space. Stylite EPS Polystyrene Floor Insulation Board 100mm - 8. Samozhášivost EPS Isover je zajištěna pomocí retardéru hoření hexabromcyklododekan - HBCD. Pouití výrobku EPS 70Z Tepeln izolaní desky urené pro vytváení tepeln izolaních podkladních vrstev plochých stech ( izolace umístna na mezi i pod krokvemi ), zavených podhle izolace obvodových stn ( vnitní izolace, izolace mezi zdí a pizdívkou, izolace mezi zdí a mechanicky upevnnou krycí vrstvou ). ISOVER, ORSIL Izolační desky Isover EPS 70Z jsou určeny zejména pro tepelné izolace bez vysokých požadavků na zatížení tlakem, jako například izolace podlah, výplně mezi stěny apod.
It is an excellent insulating medium which exhibits consistent thermal performance over the range of temperatures normally encountered in buildings. Polystyren EPS Z (nově Styro EPS 70Z ) vám nabídne nejvyšší kvalitu od renomovaného českého výrobce splňující přísné požadavky kvalitativní třídy A dle CZB. Využijete jej pro izolaci málo zatížených podlah a stěn, s vyjímkou kontaktních zateplovacích systémů. EPSPolystyrene Insulation Sheets.
Expanded Polystyrene Insulation EPS. Rigid expanded polystyrene ( EPS ) panels can be used as insulation for walls, roofs and heavy building foundations for any kind of structure or exterior finish. It is considered to be permanent insulation, because it provides long-lasting energy. EPS is a light, rigid material which is easy to handle.
All measurements are Length x Width x Height. Grey Polystyrene (Graphite) is a high quality expanded polystyrene ( EPS ) board enhanced with integrated graphite within its bead structure and of grey colour. The high-purity graphite particles integrated within the insulation beads reflects radiant heat and significantly improves insulati.
Gaminio paskirtis: fasadų – sienų su šilumos izoliacija išorėje, padengtų tinku, šiltinimui. Naudotinas ir kitų statinio elementų šilumos izoliacijai. Baumit EPS system is a high performance External Insulation system that gives thermal insulation to your building, is cost effective and highly impact resistance. Once installed give a new long lasting look to your building. EPS can be supplied in either White boards or grey graphite enhanced boards in a wide range of thickness.
We design and manufacture a wide range of polystyrene products for the construction industry, from simple sheets to complex, precision-profiled insulation for extruded aluminium building materials. Styrotech can provide effective design solutions to your building problems and offer cost-effective quotes for existing projects. Our EPS sheeting meets all building insulation. Pěnový polystyren EPS trvale odolává teplotám do 80˚C, nevadí mu ani velmi nízké teploty, což odpovídá všem nárokům běžných konstrukcí. Polystyren na šikmé střechy styro EPS 70Z 1mm je tepelně izolační deska z pěnového polystyrenu pro výplňovou izolaci šikmých střech, stropů a stěn.
Thermo Kleber se používá na lepení fasádního polystyrenu EPS i XPS na savé podklady. The versatility of Filcor means that any shape, size or profile can be manufactured with relatively short lead times. At S and B EPS Ltd we continuously strive to achieve the highest standards in quality expanded polystyrene products.
As key suppliers to the building and engineering trades, we work in partnership with our clients to create innovative, robust solutions. Kay-Metzeler, a division of Vita Cellular Foam, is one of the largest expanded polystyrene manufacturers in the UK in the production of block, sheet, mouldings and bead. EPS has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of zero and low Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP). EPS is rot proof and durable and will remain an effective insulation for the life of the construction. EPS is not affected by bacteria, moulds or fungi, and will not provide nutrient value for insects or vermin.
EPS is used for manufacturing of flexible, crack bridging and corrosion-resistant coatings for concrete and steel. Further EPS is applied for the formulation of adhesives, sealants and as reactive diluents. EPS types combine the well known properties of common Polysulfide polymers with improved surface adhesion and faster curing. These hybrid resins have unique properties that combine the flexibility, chemical resistance and crack bridging of the polysulfide with the chemical reactivity of epoxy resin technology.
The use of Filcor void formers reduces the weight of the structure when left in-situ or alternatively can be used for temporary applications as part of a formwork system. Všetky dosky EPS ISOVER sa vyrábajú v samozhášavom vyhotovení so zvýšenou požiarnou bezpečnosťou. Oblasť použitia fasádneho polystyrénu Izolačné dosky ISOVER EPS 70F sú určené najmä pre fasádové zatepľovacie systémy ETICS a ostatné aplikácie bez významných požiadaviek na zaťaženie tlakom (podlahy a pod.).
We are a privately owned producer of premium high performance products which we have supplied into the House Building, Construction, Caravan and other industries for over years.
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